The Fundamentals of The Thai Language
Stuart Campbell, Chuan ShaweevongsJak bardzo podobała Ci się ta książka?
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Paragon Books, 1972. — 632 p.This book is an attempt to introduce the Thai language from an English speaking foreigner's point of view; to provide a useful vocabulary; to illustrate the various constructions used in simple sentences and to deal completely with the Thai alphabet and the system of indicating the Tonal Values of the wordsThe ebook contains 26 chapters and 11 appendices. The chapters cover the Thai alphabet and basic reading; the complete Thai tone rules; oral spelling; special symbols used in writing; formal, polite and common words; inherent vowels; pronunciation of predisposed vowels; silent consonants and vowels; spelling peculiarities; past, present, continuous, and future tense; There are many notes on the usage of particular words, as opposed to a similar word. There are also reading and comprehension exercises.
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